
22 Important Things I’ve Learned This Year

I posted this list, ‘2022 things I’ve learned in 2022’ over on my Instagram and wanted to share it here too.

This year has been a difficult year and it taught me a lot of great things. I figured I’d share a bit of a reflection as we get closer to the new year. Here we are, 22 things I’ve learned this year…

  1. Taking breaks is productive
  2. Distance is okay
  3. Staying mad only puts you in your own prison
  4. Growth isn’t linear.
  5. Maybe your setback is actually a new opportunity
  6. There will never be a ‘right time’
  7. Listen to your intuition. It’s there for a reason
  8. Ego vs. confidence. They are completely opposite
  9. Control the things you can and let go of the
    things you can’t
  10. There is always an opportunity for growth
  11. Take the risk. If it doesn’t work, at least you’ll
    never have to wonder
  12. Life is short. Nothing is guaranteed. Embrace that
  13. I’d rather mess up than regret never trying.
  14. Pain and suffering are different.
  15. Never apologize for being yourself.
  16. Saying ‘no’ is okay.
  17. Dedicate time to finding yourself.
  18. Pain is a necessary part of life.
  19. Planning is important but please don’t forget to live in
    the moment.
  20. Being spontaneous can be good
  21. Always find gratitude.
  22. Don’t forget to love yourself.

That’s it loves, short post today. I’d be happy to go more in-depth on some of these as well. These are the things I’ve learned, what have you learned this year? Feel free to reach out to me, I love to hear from you!

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Until next time,

~ Alessia Maria

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