

Soon to be one of your favorite life podcasts, the Eunoia podcast will inspire you to find your voice and learn more about yourself, through our honest, raw, and difficult conversations about life

we’re not a normal podcast, we’re the Eunoia podcast. we are all about creating an honest corner of the internet to sit down, chat, share what we’ve learned, and reflect on life. we aren’t perfect, and we know it. in fact, we’re learning to embrace our imperfections and find peace within the true essence of ourselves.

one of the best self-help podcasts for women

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Meet Your Host

HEY– I’m Alessia Maria

I’m alessia, a professional overthinker and host of the podcast

To me, the Eunoia podcast is a journal and a safe place. It’s an honest corner of the internet where I feel like I am sitting down and chatting with friends, and I hope that’s how it feels for you too. I’m not here to give you solutions, but I am here to show you that you are not alone. The Eunoia podcast is one of few honest self-help podcasts where we do not have to pretend to be perfect. We know we have flaws, and we learn to embrace them, improve ourselves, and discover the journey of life together. Join us for one big get-together of like-minded humans- we look forward to meeting you!

xo Alessia

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