What’s on my Vision Board for New Year 2023? + How to Create Your Own

Happy New Year! I am so excited for all the wonderful things coming in 2023 and figured, what better way to celebrate than sharing my own goals and vision board for the New Year? One thing I’ve learned over the last few years is the importance of stepping past limiting beliefs. In other words, not hiding from your potential.

Don’t stay quiet about your goals. Sharing your goals can actually help them become reality. By owning the power it takes to say a goal you have that you haven’t yet achieved, you are telling your subconscious mind that it is possible. Share your goals with confidence!

Why Make a Vision Board?

Vision boards work through the Law of Attraction. If you haven’t heard of this, the Law of Attraction is the idea that you attract the same energy that you are. For example, ever noticed when you’re having a bad day and gloomy about it, things seem to get worse? Or when you’re having a good day, things get better? This is the Law of Attraction- you attract things that align with the type of energy you embody.

In making a vision board for the New Year, you are envisioning the type of energy you want to be and attract. What a lot of people miss, though, is that creating the vision board is only the first step. So, by simply making the vision board, you are not adopting that same energy in your own life. Vision boards don’t create the results, they create a visual reminder of the energy and goals you are working towards.

You must believe that you are capable of achieving a goal for it to actually happen. This is the purpose that vision boards serve. The more these reminders are repeated in your head, the more you will believe them to be reality.

When you repeat something, you believe it. When you believe in something, you put energy and work toward it. When you work toward it, you create a reality of it.


If you’ve been around for a while, you’ll know that I make vision boards every month to manifest my dreams and keep my purpose aligned. These have been SO helpful for me, yet I’ve never made one for a full year. Figuring out this process was a bit more complicated than my monthly boards, so I wanted to share and save you some time.

an example of my monthly vision boards on Pinterest
Step 1: Reflect

The first step to creating a vision board for the new year is to reflect on the past year. What goals did you have that you achieved? What areas of your life have you improved in? This not only helps you figure out what you may want to bring with you to the new year, but it also puts you in a positive mindset, which is essential in creating a vision board.

Step 2: Start Brainstorming

After reflecting on the past year, you might already have a few ideas of what you want to achieve in the next year. Before doing this, though, try to separate your life into sections. This could be career, love, family, health, etc. Make a list of these sections and try to figure out which ones you want to work on most. Try to pick 3-5 sections.

My sections were socializing, career, self-development, and living. I will elaborate on these in the next sections to help guide you in your process.

step 3: Narrow your goals

In each section you just made, narrow them down to 1-3 main goals for the year. For example, here are my goals:

  • Socializing: Build confidence in my extroverted side and meet new people + help out in my community
  • Career: Build Eunoia into a meaningful community + continue writing
  • Self-development: Focus on living in the moment + prioritize my happiness
  • Living: Get out and adventure more + continue to fall in love with life

If it helps, try moving back and forth between steps 2 and 3 until you have more concrete goals. My goals were a bit more concrete than I included here, but for the sake of this, I simplified them a bit.

step 4: feel your goals

This is a very important step. Go through each goal and figure out how they make you feel. Do they make you feel excited about the future or do you want to hide from them? Your goals should be your goals and they should be centered on passion!

For example, my ‘living’ section might not make sense to others, but for me, it means letting go and living with more freedom. I am a huge overthinker and the idea of stepping out of my comfort zone and just living makes me so excited.

step 5: find your photos!

I found all my photos on Pinterest. All I did to find the photos was a search for either my specific goal or one of the feelings it gives me. Try to find photos that make you happy and limit the number of faces in the photos. If there is another person in the photo, you might not be able to envision yourself in that reality.

Pro tip- if the photos you’re finding aren’t exactly what you’re looking at, try putting ‘aesthetic’ after your search. For example, if you were searching for ‘adventure,’ try searching for ‘adventure aesthetic.”

step 6: Create your vision board for the new year

I made my vision board on Canva! This is by far the easiest way to create an online vision board and you can also find a lot of pre-made templates! I formatted mine specifically for my laptop wallpaper so that it is a consistent reminder I see.

my vision baord for the new year 2023
my vision board for the new year 2023
a few final tips…
  • Put your vision board somewhere you can see it. The more you are reminded of your goals, the more they will become a part of your subconscious mind and beliefs.
  • Remember how we talked about how each goal makes you feel? You want to embody that energy. The truth is, life never goes exactly as planned. Go after your goals, but above that, go after your energy of them. This is what will take you from achieving a list of goals to actually becoming the person you are envisioning.
  • Be willing to do the uncomfortable! If your vision board was in your comfort zone, it would already be your reality. The reason it’s not is because you will have to grow, learn, and step out of your comfort zone. It’s a journey!

What does your vision board look like? Feel free to send them my way or tag me on insta with your vision boards! I’d love to see your goals and cheer you along the way!

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