How To Actually Stay Committed to Your Important Goals

I cannot tell you how time I’ve tried to stay committed to a goal that went through the drain within a matter of days (or hours). I’ve been reading Atomic Habits every morning, though, and realized something. In the book, author James Clear explains that the reason that you aren’t staying committed to your goals isn’t because of you. It’s because of your systems.
You aren’t the problem, the systems you set in place are the problem.
remind yourself of the outcome
The first step in how you can stay committed to your goals is to remind yourself of the outcome. Keep it fresh in your mind and remind yourself how much you want it. Everything is a process and there will likely be mistakes made. If you have motivation toward your goal, the more frustrating parts of the process won’t seem as bad.
take small steps toward your goal
Each big goal someone achieves is created by small actions. When someone runs a marathon, do they randomly run 26 miles? No, they start training with less and gradually increase as they go. The same works with staying committed to your goals. If you have a goal of staying healthy, don’t try to suddenly cut out all unhealthy fast foods from your life. Sure, some may be able to do that and that is wonderful, but if you know it is going to be harder for you then give yourself some flexibility. Start by saying you will eat x amount of fast food per week. Then lower it the next week until you’re eating a lot healthier. It may seem frustrating, but this is how to actually make your goals last.
make your goals attractive
What’s a habit you have? Say you have a habit of eating a cookie after dinner. Why’d you start that habit? Because cookies are appealing. Any decent person would love a cookie after dinner (if you don’t like cookies…sorry). Thus, creating the habit of eating a cookie after dinner was easy.
The same goes for your goals.
James Clear explains that if you pair a habit you don’t enjoy with one that you do, it can help. This is exactly the process of how to stay committed to your goals as well. For example, maybe after working for an hour towards your goal, you get to watch an episode of your favorite show. Things like this will help motivate us towards completing the goal so that we get a reward.

Another important step is to shift your mindset. Maybe the habit you are trying to build isn’t fun, but it is important. Instead of having a negative mindset around it, try to think of positive things. Sometimes I will even make my work into a game so it seems more fun. Read more on shifting your mindset here!
Focus on the moment
Finally, don’t overdo it. Each goal is a process. An outcome can’t suddenly make you happier, but your mindset and commitment to the process can. So many people spend years working towards and goal and tear themselves apart in the process. Try your best to be grateful for the process. Keep track of your little wins and don’t be too hard on yourself.
Goals can be difficult to achieve, so don’t be too hard on yourself! As always, I’m rooting for you, and feel free to reach out!
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