How To Improve Your Self-Esteem As a Woman (When Social Media Says Otherwise)

I have a love-hate relationship with social media. As a woman, I feel like it stops my ability to improve my self-esteem. Why is that? 

Let’s talk about it.

“I feel like social media stops me from learning how to improve my self-esteem as a woman.” 

What is it mean to be a woman?

What is womanhood? Women are told that we need to act, talk, and look in a certain way. Our body types are trending. Think about that. Our bodies are actually trending. I cannot wrap my mind around that. 

We are told not to be too opinionated, but don’t be silent either. Stay home and care for your children, but being a stay home mom is ‘lazy.’ Be skinny, but not too skinny. Being a woman is living around other opinions and it feels as if you are only an object. 

Well, no more. 

To be a woman is to be strong. To be a woman is to be human. To be a woman is to be whoever you feel like being. 

Social media and women empowerment – is it good or bad?

As women start sharing their voices, the presence of women’s empowerment also continues to grow. Countless women are sharing their voices and teaching each other how to improve their self-esteem. We are finally taking back our power. As someone whose website falls into the category of female empowerment, though, I think it’s important to recognize that there are flaws as well.

You may have seen a few new trends on social media including the ‘That Girl’ trend. This trend has good intentions, but I argue that it is more harmful than helpful. It focuses on eurocentric ideals stolen from minority groups and celebrates expensive self-care routines that most don’t have the time or money for. It has turned self-care into a trend. 

Self-care is not a trend. It’s time to speak up. 

How to improve your self-esteem as a woman

Unfortunately, there’s no escaping the constant battle of others’ opinions. So, in order to improve your self-esteem as a woman, you have to learn your own worth. The media is filled with myths so it’s important that you know when to ignore things. You deserve better. 

Myth #1- You have to be perfect

When I was preparing for this article, I did a poll on my Instagram asking women about their opinions on self-care in social media. Many people responded by saying that they felt a need to be perfect. 

“It [ social media] creates this image that there is new perfection girls need to aspire to”

Many ‘influencers’ of the niche are paying for fancy gym memberships, clothing lines, etc. that not everyone has the time or money for. While this is okay, it should not be the main focus. Self-care has turned into a trend and it’s no longer just a healthy habit. 

Myth #2- Happiness is All or Nothing

When I see people on social media sharing their wellness journeys, it looks as if they are always happy. I try to remind myselt that social media is only a fraction of someone’s life and most people tend to share the good days, not the bad (unless you’re who shows her TRUE self on social media so well). 

“I see other people succeed and wonder what I am doing wrong.”

I can guarantee that each of us has bad days. What you see on social media is never a full representation of someone’s life. Happiness comes and goes. Every single person on this floating rock that we live on has bad days. Period. There is no exception to that.  

Why do we feel the pressure to look as if we are always happy, then? I have said it before and I will say it again- each of us has flaws. To me, happiness is not being perfect all the time; it is having flaws and loving yourself despite them. 

Myth #3- You need to be like everyone else

I’ve unfollowed over 500 accounts in the last few months. Why? Because I was comparing myself to them. Everyone has a different life and I started getting jealous.

Despite the fact that I share it, my wellness journey has not been easy. I doubt it ever will be. I thought that I needed to be perfect, but wellness looks different for everyone. Your journey is unique to YOU and not anyone else. Embrace that!

Final thoughts

“I didn’t really have many opportunities growing up to seek help…so by those[self-care] accounts sharing information, I was able to get guidance.”

There are incredible accounts on social media that are aimed to help you in your self-care journey. There are also some that will do the opposite. Finding your community is a process, but it can help so much. 

As the wellness niche on social media continues to grow, we must stick together. We, women, need to empower and not push each other down. Together, we are stronger than ever. 

So, here’s my little reminder to you as we navigate social media and build our growth mindsets together that you are strong. Your journey is unique and our community is always here to cheer you along the way!

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how to improve your self esteem as a woman

Self-care is habit-building. Self-care takes time  Self-care is a lifestyle. 

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