Love Letter to My Younger Self When Struggling

Girl, you are strong.

We’ve been through hell and back, we’ve gone through more than we could imagine. But girl, you are so strong.

Never stop your little giggles, your wild nature, and your silly moods. Never forget your worth or lose that imagination that goes far beyond this world.

Love, never hold back for anyone.

You will go through the hardest years of your life, you will want to give up but you won’t. You’ll push through, you’ll create your dreams. Life will not be perfect. You’ll have ups and downs; lows and highs- but you’ll learn to love it all.

There will be times you don’t know who you are, moments when everything seems to be falling apart. Push through. Grow. Trust it.

You’re remarkable, a miracle, a creator. As moments get hard, please don’t ever forget who you are. Life will always throw you curveballs but you keep going despite them.

Don’t forget to live, my love. This life is short, give it your best. Explore, let go of expectations and just be.

Let your creative side show, dance for no reason, and never, ever, forget your worth.

Life will push you, but you push back harder.

You are a warrior, love.

Carry it with you each and every day.

-alessia maria

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