18 Manifestation Writing Prompts You Need for Powerful Self Reflection

I can’t even count how many unfinished journals I’ve had in my life. I often used to get this sudden inspiration to make a perfect journal like all the ones I see on Pinterest with my pretty highlighters and perfect handwriting (hah I wish). But, honestly, I was trying too hard. Your writing is for you, not always for the world to see. I always thought I had to manifest and write about everything in my life and I quickly found myself bored. I know how difficult it can be to get in this new habit, so keep reading to see 18 manifestation writing prompts to get started!
Why and how to Start With These Manifestation writing prompts
Journaling isn’t necessarily writing about your entire day. It could be writing about something that’s been on your mind, something personal, or even just one sentence- ‘today was a good day’. Done. It can be whatever nonsense you want. That is the amazing thing about it- it’s almost like meditation because it’s a time of day when you can release your thoughts. Writing shouldn’t cause stress, they should ease it.
Your journal doesn’t need to be perfect. I tend to feel better when I am organized, so sometimes I’ll highlight notes, try to make my handwriting better, etc. But not everyone enjoys doing that and that is okay! The photos you see online, the photos you may even see here on my website are often staged. I may pick the best-looking page for a photo, but my entire journal does not look that way, in fact, it’s very messy. You don’t have to have fancy artwork in your journals, you don’t have to have your best handwriting. Just. Be. You.
Here are 18 Manifestation writing Prompts to Get you Started:
Now that we’ve established why to journal, it’s time to start. As difficult as it is, just starts. Write something, anything. Even if it’s only one sentence. And as promised, if you are still stumped…
- Guided Manifestation Journal
- Gratitude list
- Letter to your younger self
- Hobbies you would like to learn
- Things about your day
- A brain dump
- Where do you want to be in 5 years/ letter to your future self?
- What’s been on your mind? What’s weighing you down?
- Bucket list/ Goals
- Favorite Memories
- Your plans for the day or week
- Pet peeves
- New ideas
- What are you thinking?
- Favorite quotes
- Plan a new morning/night routine
- If you could do anything in the world right now, what would you do?
- Deep thoughts
- Poems or stories
Journaling is such an important thing to me, and using these prompts is so incredibly helpful to keep a consistent routine.
I could go on and on but this would get really long. If none of these ideas feel right, there are hundreds and hundreds of journal prompts right at your fingertips on Pinterest!
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