Authentic Marketing and AI: The Truth to Personal Branding

I’m predicting the future today…of authentic marketing

In this episode, we’re looking at the intersection of AI, authentic marketing, personal branding, and the evolving landscape of marketing and careers. In an age where being true to oneself is important, how does technology, particularly AI, play a role in shaping and expressing our authentic selves

AI is a thing. I can’t not talk about it, so we’re gonna talk about it.

Join in on the podcast for the full episode where we’re talking all about:

  • My views on AI
  • My predictions for 2024
  • The future of marketing
  • Why authenticity is so important
  • The correlation between branding and long-term success
  • Building an authentic personal brand

For those unable to listen, let’s get into a short summary:

My thoughts on AI

AI- I love and I hate it. I have very mixed opinions about it. I use AI for photo editing and for behind-the-scenes marketing. For example, to get rid of that random person in the back of an image that isn’t supposed to be there, I can press one button and Photoshop completely erases it for me. I have to say, it’s incredible.

But it also terrifies me at the same time.

I use AI for behind-the-scenes marketing. For those who don’t know much about marketing, SEO stands for search engine optimization. It’s basically a way to blatantly, stupidly tell Google what a post is about, who would enjoy it, and why to read it. And AI is amazing at doing this for me.

What I don’t use AI for, though, is the articles that I write, and my podcast episodes, because I think that authentic marketing is extremely important. And that is what we’re talking about today- AI and how it’s changing the world of marketing.

Predictions for the future of marketing

I did some research on the predictions of marketing and trends. In doing so, I found that Pinterest has actually done a forecast for what they believe the newest trends to be. In those trends, there seems to be a pattern; we are starting to crave authenticity and learning to embrace our emotions. This isn’t just in Pinterest, though. Everywhere between books we’re reading, trends, and marketing, are all leaning toward a future where consumers crave honesty and authenticity. These are my predictions- I’m curious to see how they’ll age.

Authentic Marketing as a Consumer

As a consumer, I am constantly seeing new and faster ways to do things. Every social media app I open is filled with ‘how-to’s’ and the pressure to be perfect.

But I want to see authenticity, especially now that we’re in the age of AI. Everything is being created completely by a computer. I think there’s going to be a big craving for real things, real people, real words.

I want to see a future of authentic marketing. And in my opinion, I think that’s the key to marketing. Authenticity creates a feeling of a personal connection to the brand.

how I am building authenticity in my brand

My brand, my photos, my website, my personality, and my style are all intertwined. If you know me personally, you know that my photos, the vibe of my website, my podcast episodes, etc. are all a part of me. How? I placed my personality and the person I am at the core.

The reason why I’m doing the podcast and website is because of my passion. The theme colors are what makes me feel the most me. The personality of it is because I’m trying to be the most authentic person I can. So somehow, all of it has the same authenticity behind it all.

Everything that you do has a part of who you are in it, embrace it! There is a Greek word called Meraki that says when you do something, do it with your soul, creativity, or love. Put a piece of yourself into what you do.

using meraki in authentic marketing

Other thoughts

I know we’re trying to increase our productivity, but who says we need to? AI speeds things up, but maybe we should slow down. In some cases, speeding things up should not be the entirety of what we’re doing. It’s not about being first, being perfect, or producing the most.
No. It’s about humans.

We are at the foundation of all of it. It’s all humans creating these things and it’s all humans consuming these things- so let’s tailor them to humans. Let’s embrace our humanity.

I think in a time and a place where everything is automated and done for us, authenticity and imagination is the key.

That’s my opinion. Those are my thoughts. I’ll see you next time.

authentic marketing quotes