How to Hit ‘Reset’ After Being Stuck in a Rut

we’ve all had bad days. I just recently was feeling disconnected and it made me wonder, what is the best way for resetting yourself after being stuck in a slump? What ways have I learned to live intentionally? I’ve compiled a list of my favorite ways to do this in hope that it can help. in this post you’ll find these main topics to feel alive again and get back on track:

  • What is hitting ‘reset?’
  • Resetting yourself takes time
  • Starting a daily routine with a to-do list
  • It’s okay to have a low day

So, let’s get started!

What is hitting ‘reset?’

I like to explain the way our minds work as a dirt path. The way we process and respond to things are all paths made in our minds. When we’re stuck in a rut, it’s because in one way or another that path is no longer serving us (I have more about this in a previous post here). So, in restarting our lives, we are making a new path/changing the way we teach our minds to process.

Resetting yourself takes time

Most people begin restarting their lives, often without realizing it, but quickly give up because it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Thinking back to the dirt path though, creating an entirely new path can take time. It seems much easier to go back to the old path, but that isn’t going to bring us to the right destination anymore. If we want to make this path permanent and worthwhile, we need to run over it multiple times before it becomes a visible pathway, or in normal terms, we need to build new habits. But how exactly do we do this?

Starting a Daily routine with a to-do list

Good habits lead to a good life. In fact, they’re the foundation of a good life. That’s where a daily routine often comes into play, it’s a series of habits that almost ‘tricks’ our minds into feeling better. When you’re feeling well, a daily routine is important to continue these habits and good mood. When you’re not feeling well, a daily routine allows us to reset by creating a new path in our minds as well as build up these habits.

buuuut when we don’t feel well, the last thing we want to do is get up from the couch and be productive. That’s why we’re starting these habits in the form of a to-do list. Make a list of healthy habits that you know help you (for me it is meditation, getting outside, eating healthy, etc.), and then DO THEM! After you’re done with the list, go back to relaxing if you don’t feel any better. The first few days, you might not feel any better after doing these habits and that’s okay. It takes time to build up motivation but the first step is always just starting.

don’t wait for the motivation to come to you, take action first and the motivation will follow

Remember, it’s okay to have a bad day

All this said, don’t forget that it’s okay to have a bad day. Sometimes it just happens, we may not understand why, and that’s okay! If you’re still feeling like you’re in a rut, wait it out. Take some time to relax, take care of yourself, listen to your energy, and it will pass eventually. Do you have a headache? maybe your energy is telling you to rest. Or maybe you have been but you’re restless- you might need some social interaction. Our energy tells us a lot, but it can be hard to understand.

So take a moment to just listen and, above all, don’t be hard on yourself. We all have bad days. In fact, I’m writing this after just having a series of bad days. It happens to all of us, so just give yourself some love. I know it will pass soon

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