Thoughts: Dealing with Pain- How Pain is Surprisingly Important

I moved into college for the first time this week. Actually, just a few days ago and it has been rough. But as I was in class, my philosophy professor said something that has been keeping me afloat. He asked us the ‘experience machine’ question.

If you haven’t heard of it, it goes as follows:

Let’s say a scientist created a new machine, one that gives you only positive experiences. In this machine, there is no pain. No struggles, no loss, no worries. It is the life of your dreams. This machine can hold someone for a few hours, weeks, years, or even a lifetime. If you had the opportunity to go in this machine, would you?

Most people in my class answered no, they wouldn’t go in the machine. But when our professor asked us why, many were stumped. After some conversation, we came away with multiple takeaways, one that stood out to me more than others:

pain is part of the journey.

If we lived in machines that created our dreams through imagination, so many wouldn’t achieve the things we have today. Without pain, how do we know what happiness is? Without pain, there is no contrast in life.

It sounds depressing that pain is part of the journey and may even be needed, but it can show us a lot. Pain is what leads to growth. Sometimes it can even change the course of our lives for the better.

Thinking about my own experience, I dealt with a medical condition a few years back that absolutely changed my life. It was the most painful experience of my life so far, but as I continued to recover I also began to grow. Today, my life and mindset wouldn’t be the same had I not experienced that pain. I suffered from constant pain for a year, but I learned to understand my mind and body in the process and help myself recover.

Now, here I am starting my first week of college, one that I never would have imagined myself succeeding in doing a few years back. But I grew, I kept pushing forward. And although this presents a whole new type of pain for me, homesickness I’ve never felt, I remind myself that this pain too, is part of the journey. I will recover from it, I will find a new community here, and I will experience things that will change my life.

So here’s your reminder, the pain that you may be feeling right now, it’ll go away. Do your best to keep a positive mindset, to move forward. I know you can do it.

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