How To Overcome the Pressure to Prove Yourself

I woke up at 9 am this morning with no alarm, no routine, and feeling a huge pressure to prove. Life is hard. So what better thing to do than record a podcast episode?
Yep. That’s exactly what I did. I’m feeling the pressure to prove myself today, so let’s talk about it.
Today’s episode:
- The pressure of social media and comparison
- Finding yourself
- Learning to start thanking yourself (y’all this is hard). When were we told to stop loving ourselves?
- Getting uncomfortable (yes, I get very uncomfy in today’s episode)
The pressure to prove yourself
Today I’m learning that it’s okay to take breaks. I started this podcast and community out of a passion. But sometimes it feels like a lot more work than it should. I am constantly seeing suggestions on social media about the “one secret” to grow a business. There are always more and more suggestions, glorifying hustle culture. And guess what? I’ve found that none of them work. There is no secret to life or your dreams. You are the core of all of it. You are the foundation.
How can you learn to love yourself if you don’t take time to get to know yourself?
Finding Yourself
I remember the moment that I learned that I needed to take care of myself- I was comparing myself constantly to other people, other brands, and other lives. I was comparing my 1st step to someone else’s 1000th step. So I looked back on my life and asked myself, when were the times when I felt most alive? My answer: when I was staying true to myself. That’s when I realized I needed to find myself again.
You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone, you only need to focus on your growth as an individual. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not who someone else is today
Learning to start thanking yourself
People used to ask me all the time, Alessia why are you so happy? How are you so confident? Simple- because I am ME. I went through an illness a few years ago that made me lose myself and now that I have recovered, I realized that being me is the greatest gift I could ask for. Start giving yourself LOVE. Start thanking yourself.
getting uncomfortable
Even though I try my best to be kind to myself, that doesn’t always happen. So in today’s episode, we are learning techniques to practice self-love. Treat yourself like you would treat a close friend. Be kind to yourself. Tune in for the techniques
As we continue with the podcast, I hope to bring this together as a community and share my honest words, even in the hard moments. Sending so much love to you all, and I’ll see you next time
~ Alessia Maria