What Makes You Take a Leap of Faith?

short episode today! talking all about taking a leap of faith and learning to live for yourself, not others 🙂
My Leap of Faith
A few months ago, I received a grant for the podcast, and I just took a big leap of faith with that. I had been talking with my mentor a few weeks ago, We really came down to the decision that I need to get the podcast to the right people, and in order to do that, one of the biggest ways is ads.
So, I just took a risk and spent over $100 to run ads. And that is terrifying to me even though this money is specifically for my podcast. This money can only be used for my podcast. Yet I still, it took me weeks to actually do it.
It’s not like I’m losing anything by doing this. Let’s say it all crashes and burns and it doesn’t do anything. Okay. Well, it’s not coming out of my income, it’s coming out of a grant that was given to me specifically for this. Makes sense right? Well, it still took me weeks to do it.
why is it so hard to take a leap of faith?
We tend to get scared to do the things that we want to do but have risk factors to them. We are conditioned to get everything perfect to look good from the outside.
For example, I’m sharing that I spent money on ads. If I haven’t increased my downloads in a few months, you all are gonna know that it didn’t work. And that’s terrifying to me. Because then I failed.
But did I actually fail? I still got something out of it- I learned.
sometimes you just need to start
So what is the leap of faith you want to take? Look at your limiting beliefs, look at what it is, what is it that you want to do, but you have been terrified to do. For me, that was starting a brand. And then it turned into starting a podcast. And now it’s turning into investing in my podcast.
Are you doing this for yourself or are you doing it for others? With these leaps of faith, you don’t know the future. You don’t know what’s gonna come next, but you know what’s in your heart. For me, what’s in my heart is that I love this podcast and that I love sharing these things.
I am not perfect. None of us are perfect. We all have flaws. I think that’s something to embrace and to love about ourselves.
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I’ve been trying to release new episodes every Tuesday. If you enjoyed the episode, I would love it if you could rate the show and follow along to make sure that you don’t miss the next episode.
I’ll see you guys next time.
Sending big hugs,
Alessia Maria
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