How To: Take Control of Your Life with Your Expectations

Today we’re learning how to say goodbye to bad expectations and take control of your life. Well, how do we know what bad expectations are? I did a bit of research on this and found these main patterns:
Bad Expectations
- Often can cause conflict.
- They can make relationships with others really difficult.
- They can make you and others frustrated.
- They make it hard to be open to other people, views, etcetera.
Good Expectations
- They often come from core values
- They positively build
So if you find that you have some bad expectations, how do you change them?
Working on Yourself Helps you take control of your life
Work on yourself. Accepting yourself allows you to accept other people. If you can’t accept yourself how are you going to accept other people, views, or opinions? Bad expectations are like a barrier that you’re putting there because you’re afraid.
Working on yourself and accepting yourself, allows you to feel comfortable being yourself without this protective barrier. It allows you to take control of your life.
Be Flexible
Things are always changing. Be flexible. I will sometimes put myself in an uncomfortable situation so that I can be uncomfortable and try to be open to different views. It’s okay to have differences. Differences are part of being human and as long as they’re not harming other people or dangerous or hurtful, it’s okay to have different views.
And along with being flexible, your views come and go. People come and go. They change. And sometimes letting things go can open up new doors. There are times when I’ve had to let things or someone go. It is terrifying, but by doing that, my life was allowing me to open up this new door for new ways of doing things, new views, and things that I would have never ever expected were possible.
Accept yourself for who you are
Finally, the last way that I have found to let go of bad expectations is to understand that it’s not about how you look, it’s about how you really are on the inside. A big moment where I see this is in social media. I tend to put on this protective barrier when I am nervous about how I look or how I seem. I see everyone on social media looking perfect, and I set up these bad expectations to be perfect.
Not everything that you see in anyone else’s life is the full story. Even if someone just seems like they’re always happy, they go through hard things too. So allow yourself to not have that expectation that you are going to be perfect, but instead to focus on what’s on the inside- YOU.
Control what you can
You might have bad moments, you might have bad situations, but those aren’t situations that you can control. What you can control is how you respond to those. And if you’re really living out with those core values and those good expectations, then that’s what matters.
Set no expectations for the person that you are, but rather accept who you are. Work on yourself, work on becoming better, set those core values, and live out of those only.
So that’s a little bit about what I’ve learned from the research and just from my own life expectations. And I just really wanna stress that point that not all expectations are bad expectations. If you have an expectation coming out of your core values, that is okay and that is good. But to really still even even in those, always be open to change or to new ideas or to new thoughts or to new opinions. Even if you don’t adopt those as well, always staying open is so important.
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